Hello, I took some macro photos of this guy in a meadow below Mt. Lassen in northern California last fall. It was super small… about a centimeter tops. Any ideas on what this kind of frog or toad is? Thanks! William
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Hi William, Thanks for writing. It’s one of the group of species collectively called chorus frogs (Genus: Pseudacris). The eastern Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) is probably the most famous of the chorus frogs. In California, there are a number of species. They can be fairly variable in appearance, but based on the dark line around the face and the location of where you found it, I’m guessing you found a Sierran Treefrog, Pseudacris sierra.
California Herps has a great site, with lots of info and photos: http://www.californiaherps.com/frogs/frogs.html Tom
Thanks Tom! If people would like to see my ongoing efforts in wildlife photography, I’ll be posting here:
Eventually I’ll be posting on my website also-
Thanks again! William
You’re welcome! Great photos! Tom